
change is coming.

I was at the MEPS station today for my ASVAB test and my physical. What all this means is that I got tested to see if I was eligible to join the Army.

I passed with some flying colors. :)

I received the position I was hoping for as well as all the benefits I was told I would get and I would have to say I'm pretty excited...and nervous at the same time. This is going to be a BIG change in my life. You guys have no idea the kind of change I'm talking here. Big. I am in need of this too. There are so many things I will be able to learn from this experience as well as just have the opportunity to experience things in general as someone such as a soldier. At the same time though, I am way nervous of these same things. I am scared to death of how far from my comfort zone I will be. This is all unknown. Crazy huh? So how do I know if this is from God or not? I honestly couldn't tell you one specific time where I just KNEW this was right, but I think that it has just been a much too bazaar turn of events to not be of something God wants in my life right now...right now anyways. I still have until I leave for Basic to FULLY decide on my position in the Army, but still. I don't know...I'm so tired so if this doesn't quite make sense, I don't even feel like rereading over this.

I leave for basic training on November 18th and I'll prolly be going home a week or two earlier to spend some time with my fam before I leave for good. Pray for me still as I still try to make sure this is the correct thing in my life right now. Ask me if you have any questions...I'll try to answer them to the best of my knowlege

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