
excited and nervous

These are two emotions I think should be in life often. If they are not, I would challenge you to rethink some things. Life is not static, nor should we strive to make it so. We should always be willing to put ourselves up for new challenges and new ideas, always trying to learn from our own experiences with ourselves and others. Do something brash. Do something to prove to yourself you are a man. God will praise you because he gives good gifts. Do something other than sing church songs to worship God. Boast in your strengths in your character to show God your thankfulness. Don't be so quick to point out your weaknesses, for this is how God boasts in his strengths to show his character.

Be proud that you are a beautiful child of God. Because God is proud of you.


Sara E said...

"God will praise you because he gives good gifts" ?

that makes me nervous. im not sure it's truth.

"don't be so quick to point out your weaknesses for this is how God boasts in his strengths to show his character"

that makes me excited. i have a lot of junk in this treasure chest.


TrueXavieR said...

I guess I kind of worded that weird. What I meant by that is by doing things to test your character and to build it up in him, God will honor your trust in his ability to get you through hard times by the sense of pride one gets from tackling something big in their lives. God praising you as a parent praises their child (as in your example, Sara,)when that child takes their first steps after so many failed attempts? I don't know...thats kind of how I feel about things? Let me know why you feel that is wrong if you still do after this? Cause I very well could be :P

Sara E said...

no, i get it now!!
just keeping you on your toes marcus. :)
thanks for clarifying again. hehe