
Part 2

My cousin just came up here and asked me to pray with her and that really kind of threw me off. I guess just how I JUST wrote about how I am feeling with God and then her feeling like I'm still someone she can come to and feel comfortable praying with? It's a weird feeling trying to get close to God for prayer when you don't feel close to God to pray. I couldn't even imagine what a minister might feel like if put in that same situation? And I'm sure they're put in that situation? But I don't know...it kind of got me thinking just about how we can still come to God for comfort and come and get close to God for the sake of intercession, but still not feeling ok with where you guys are if that make sense? Who knows, maybe this will be something that gets my attention with my own relationship. All I know is that it seemed to be right on cue. Marcus talks about how he feels about God today...bad, cue cousin walking in and wanting him to pray with her.

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