

Is it ok that I have no idea where I belong? Is it ok that I'm a little bit of a thrill seeker so to speak? It really was killing me that I was working at a freaking restaurant, stuck here in Atlanta because I'm too poor to even live where I'm stuck at yet alone rich enough to actually do something exciting or whatever. Maybe this is another reason why joining the Army makes so much sense for me right now. I always seem to have to move to change anything about me. I feel like I've become and experienced everything I need to in Atlanta for now. I don't want to get stuck in a rut. I want to have constant growth. For some reason moving is the only way I feel that so far. I did it in middle school. I did it in high school. I did it in college. I did it again after college. Now I'm doing it again. Every move I've learned something new about myself and have learned how to be more like a person I actually aprove of when I look him in the eyes of the mirror. That can't be all bad can it? I do leave A LOT of friends behind, and I do HATE not getting to be with them and spend time with them. But I don't know. I'm starting to think that this is just part of who "me" is. And if this is just a part of me...then wouldn't that mean that not doing it would make me less of who "I" am? Do you think that I could possibly wear out my welcome with friends if I were to stay put for a longer period of time?

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