

God takes care of us. When we're scared. When we're at a loss for hope. When we're running away from things. Responsibility. God is there and he slowly prepares us for the next stage of our life if we are trying to live for him. We don't even realize it because of our narrow vision. But God sees all things, in all times to come. We need to put our trust in him, and know that God will take care of us. We need to also be willing to speak our mind to God about things. We think God has us here at a certain time for a certain reason, well what is it God? Why are you making me feel this way? I think I'm scared God. God is an excellent teacher, but just like any teacher, we can't get questions answered if we don't ask them. And just like the old cliche, There is no stupid questions.

The image that comes to mind when I think of how God is with these issues is my Grandpa when I'm helping him in the workshop. My Grandpa was an excellent carpenter, and knew his way around the workshop easily. I would see him work dangerous tools, some of which he would let me use to help. He would teach me how to use them, but he would also steer me clear of any tool I wasn't ready to handle. It was dangerous and exciting in the workshop with my grandpa. This is how a life with God should be.

The scripture that inspired this was 1 Kings 19:1-7

I encourage you to read this.

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