
embark on

tomorrow almost 12 hours exactly I will leave my family and begin my new adventure as a United States Army Specialist 25 Romeo. I can't tell you how excited I am! I'm always excited to start a new adventure and this one I'm sure won't disappoint in the adventure department :P

A few things I want to talk about before I surrender my blog to the mercy of Ericka, I want to talk about some personal goals I want to have beside all the issued goals I will have as a soldier...

First goal, I want to write a letter to each of the people who gave me an address and have asked for a letter. I know, because I'm the same way, there is just something that is super exciting about getting a personal written letter and I want to bring you guys some joy like that and maybe some of you can return the favor ;) cause I have a feeling I'm going to need it!

My second goal is going to be to read the entire Bible from cover to cover. I've never done this before because I have always managed to find something else to do, but I really want to buckle down and do this. Especially since I won't have an excuse here because we aren't allowed to bring any other personal books to basic.

Anyways, those are my two personal goals for basic while I'm there. In other news, I am having my sister write my address on my facebook group so that everyone who has joined that will be able to get it and I'm going to also have Ericka put the address on my blog. Other than that, I guess just wish me luck! I appreciate all the prayers from everyone, they are definitely working already. I was a mess a few days ago, but I'm feeling crazy good right now :) Keep it up! And make sure you're also praying for all the other soldiers who are over doing things that are actually dangerous. They definitely could use some prayer as well :)

But yes, I need to get to bed, so I will see you guys on the other side and I can't WAIT to share some of my stories I'm going to have with you!

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