

2008 November 22

So I kind of planned on writing about things every single day, but we've been here for 3 days not counting Tuesday, though we did A LOT Tuesday night before we could go to bed.

Tuesday was the day of travel and waiting. We got on the airplane, got off the airplane, got back on, got back off. After I arrived at Columbia, we waited for about.... well, at least 4 hours before we even got on the bus to go to Fort Jackson. After we got here we were filling things out, eating, getting stuff issued to us, blah, blah, blah. We've pretty much done this everyday all day SINCE then. It's now Saturday. Tomorrow we get to go to church. It should be an interesting experience to say the least :)

Monday, which is November 24, is the first day of ACTUAL basic training. I'm really excited! We watched an introduction video today and even though it was HORRIBLE quality and the whole time I was thinking, "Man, I'm sure glad they hired me :p", I still got really excited. Minus the pain of actually getting my body in shape to handle half the stuff I'll be doing, I think that this whole thing is going to be a blast!! Sometimes literally! HA! :p

But anyways, nothing much to write about yet.Some of the more christian thoughts that have gone through my head have been about the whole process. In the Army, so far already, they've told me many times now about how here in basic training, we all came ourselves. Trying so hard to be independent, funny, smart, the jock, the heart throb, ect, ect, whatever. And when we get here, they take away our freedom, make us all look the same, dress the same, act the same, break us down, destroy our individuality. My spikey hair is gone.I've had guys here find out just today that I was the guy with the fohawk when we first came :p We are not beautiful and unique snowflakes any longer and to tell you the truth it's kind of liberating. But after breaking us down, they start to build us back up. Replace old habits with new ones. Replace rebellion with compliance. Replace vanity and arrogance with pride and honor. It teaches us to do everything with a purpose.

Sound familiar?Isn't this the same thing God does through the gift of Jesus? Lets us live our live our lifes the way we want to? Then when we're ready to surrender. he breaks us down, our sins tearing our potential up , and then rebuilds us as well, don't think for a second I'm saying God is like the military. All I'm saying is that you can find Godly qualities in the Army and in the process of becoming a soldier. We are all so broken. I have a feeling I'm about to find out exactly how broken I am.

I encourage you all to find the way to get this process done. Through fire is how we are formed as christians. Pray for God to show you, yours.

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